Friday, December 9, 2011

More Hanzo and Ninja Stuff.

More Hanzo plays.
I hope it doesn't hike much in price.
Nobody is going to care much about inzecters and wind-up anymore~~

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Ah, Ninjas, they have been here for a while already. Not that I didn't know about them, but their presence was too weak to be considered an archetype.

With the release of Order of Chaos, Ninja gained a considerable boost and even created an engine that runs around gold ninja, Ninja Grandmaster - Hanzo and Ninjitsu Art of Super Transformation.

Some other ninjas can be included there could be:

Strike Ninja

Armor Ninjas /Air/Aqua/Earth/Flame

Karakuri Ninja mdl 339 "Sazank"

Masked Ninja Ebisu

They also gained Xyz Suport as you can see:

Blade Armor Ninja

Number 12: Crimson Shadow Armor Ninja

The Ninja engine can be splashed in many decks be it anti meta or Spam Rush decks

Strike Ninja with hanzo, gold ninja and d.d. scout plane is an example of Anti-Meta/Control ninja deck that uses the engine. By going Lavaval Chain with Gold Ninja and Hanzo, you can dump D.D. Scout planes into the graveyard and banish them later with Strike Ninja. When they come back, you can Xyz for a Daigusto Phoenix or Gachi Gachi Gantetsu.

Another deck that can use the ninja engine is Offering Gadgets.

But now instead of only relying in Ultimate Offering, you can play around with Summoner Monk and Gold Ninja to favor your plays and do Shock Ruler/Verz Ouroboros/Vylon Disigma plays.

To conclude, the new ninjas are of great help to many decks and thus making the Metagame more varied than ever.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Wind-Up 40 Monster Gallis Ftk

Well, to be honest at first I didn't think that it would work, but after a few tests I can say for sure it works well, and very well.

The consistency is not a problem there as there are too many ways to play this deck.
You can go play as Gallis agents if you don't pull the 3 cards FTK or you can go for wind-up loop.
Either way you can play this deck in at least 5 ways. Marauding Captain is there for the wind-up loop, but it can work out with Venus to work out an OTK if you don't have warwolf in hand. Wind-up Soldier is there to make sure that you won't run out of wind-ups at a certain point and it also helps as a synchro material for striker/birdman/earth when summoned by Wind-Up Zenmighty.
The rate of bad hand is very low in this deck, as most hands there you can start doing something in the first turn. Unless you draw double hyperion and triple shine ball like all agents don't want to draw, you are fine to go.
I'll probably see a build similar to mine but with some spell and traps included.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Wind-Up stuff

Everyone knows now about the wind-up discard combo, and by now everyone visited Baha's and DSummon's blog, so the knowledge is spread worldwide lol.

I've known the combo for quite a while for now(1 week after I post my wind-up combo video, they found a way to abuse it la) so I've been working on a wind-up deck for a good 2 months already which incorporates the combo and can play without it(veiler fucks you up). I'll post decklist after. It is pretty consistent and even if your hand is scrub you can still win.

Friday, November 11, 2011

More Inzecters love.

I like how konami let people go and break off archetypes.

Inzecters can just wipe the field clean and create a huge plus to you dodging starlight road and even if your opponent has a stardust or some protection stuff, they will still fall into it.

You just need Inzecter Damsel/Centibeet and an Inzecter Hornet in hand.

-Summon Inzecter Damsel, Equip Hornet from hand.
-Send Hornet to graveyard to destroy a card your opponent control.
-Damsel Effect activates special summoning a centibeet from the deck.
-Centibeet equip hornet in the graveyard and destroy another card your opponent control.
-Add another Inzecter(such as gigamantis) to your hand.( if you have a MST or something to destroy your backrow, better you special hornet from the graveyard and keep going from there)

So in any case, your opponent loses 2 cards while you gain 1+, so in Fact you are going to outsource him by 3 cards.

You can always use a monster reborn to destroy 2 more cards your opponent control and getting a plus once again.

-> XYZ centibeet with damsel to leviathan, detach damsel and reborn it.
->Damsel Equip hornet and keep going until you clear your opponent's field.

Inzecters are really worth trying it out and it is fun to play.
Try them for a change!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Inzecters, Oh no, A Buggy Bug Invasion!

Inzecter, a new archtype from ORCA.
Consisted solely on Insect Monsters, have a mechanism similar to Dragunity as they focus on equipping monsters to monsters.
The Big difference here is that you can actually equip them from the hand to the monsters as equip cards + you can equip them from the graveyard using the "Infantry's" Effect.
Another difference is that you get a shitload of pluses if the equip card is destroyed.

Here is my current build:

Armageddon Knight and Dark Grepher to dump the Big Inzecters in the graveyard for later setups.
Malicious is there for easy XYZ summon and synchro.
I've just realized that I've could put a Kurokishian in the Extra deck.
Inzecter Damsel is at 3 there for obvious reasons:
He can special Summon another Inzecter from the deck (any, including the level 6 ones) when an equip card equipped to him is sent to the graveyard. Isn't that too strong?
He combos well with Hornet, giving you a possible 1+(unless they warning your Damsel)
No miss timing when tributed or for whatever reason as the text states IF is sent to the graveyard(There might be an errata, so keep informed).

Call of the haunted for further abuse of inzecters.
Malevolent is still in the middle of testing since I tried it with the intent of self-destroying my inzecter equips to get their effect.

The deck is currently doing well in DN as out of 30 games I've won 25 of them and the 5 others were sacky plays or he drew godly.

any suggestion or tip is welcome.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Preacher of the Ice Barrier

Preacher of the Ice Barrier
Attribute (水)
Type: Aqua
Level: 2 **
Att: 1000
Def: 400

If you control a face-up "Ice Barrier" monster, you can Special Summon this card from your hand. If you do, you cannot Special Summon Level 5 or higher monsters during this turn. During your Main Phase: You can Tribute this card to target 1 "Ice Barrier" monster in your Graveyard except "Preacher of the Ice Barrier"; Special Summon that target.

Did I just read something abusive? Will this finally engine Ice Barrier to a higher tier? Well, Konami always have those weird ideas and random additions to a set. It seems the story of Ice Barriers is not over yet as it is still being released, and Watts too.

Well, enough talking, lets go over the card. Salvage Target, can special summon ANY ice barrier monster from the graveyard(except himself) at the mere cost of tributing himself? Amazing, Add preacher to hand with medallion of the ice barrier and start abusing it.

Revive General Grunard, bring preacher back with salvage and use grunard to normal summon him again and there you get 2 beatstick monsters in your field.
Broken enough? Yes, but its in an archtype that hasn't rally been doing well, tbh the archtype sucks, not the cards, but the deck of the archtype itself.
Well, expect some genius find a way to abuse him even more and then we will see a lot of bandwagon people joining the trail.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm Back!

Ok, so after a boring summer of getting bored everyday, I'm back!

So I'm in this new format where things will get too explosive and out of hand, so fuck yea, I'll be god damn loving this format.
No more leaves the effect to activate XYZ friendly, so GG ppl that bought Tour Guides for 200 each and Tengu.

Anyway may as well start making new decks.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Rescue Rabbit

Hurray, Rescue Cat went out of the scenes, but he brought up a friend and here he is, Rescue Rabbit!

このカードはデッキから特殊召喚する事 ができます。特別に同じ名前を使用してデッキから2レベル4以下ノーマルモンスターを召喚する:このフェイスアップ、あなたがコントロールするカードを払 いのけるこの効果で召喚モンスターの特殊はエンドフェイズ時に破壊されている。 "レスキューラビット"の効果は1ターンに1度アクティブにすることができます。

This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Deck. During your Main Phase: You can banish this face-up card; Special Summon 2 Level 4 or lower Normal Monsters with the same name from your Deck. Those monsters are destroyed during the End Phase. The effect of "Rescue Rabbit" can only be used once per turn.

A nerfed version of Rescue Cat, but it still great and good support for normal monsters. Instant Xyz summon and maybe who knows we get a card that doubles the level of a monster so we can bring out Thunder-End Dragon!

An Amazing card, but more balanced than his friend Rescue Cat. I'll be seeing a lot of combos and plays with this card when it comes out. X-Saber with Anu Piranha to drop down faultroll, and do shenanigans with it or play in a gemknight deck for instant fusion. I just thought about a combo. have one of Oppressed People/People Running About/United Resistance and Huge revolution then summon Rescue Rabbit and bring the other 2 to start the fun. Pretty situational but it is fun when you do it.

EDIT: Forgot it has to be the same name, well it still Instant Xyz Summon

Saturday, May 28, 2011

GENF Spoiler List OCG Import & TCG Exclusives

As I was going to say that GENF was going to be a lackluster set I swallowed my words down my throat as I saw the Imports and Exclusives.

Orient Dragon is a Generic Synchro with an actual nice effect for once.

Orient Dragon
Level 6
ATK/DEF 2300/1800

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner Monsters
When this card is Synchro Summoned, target 1 face-up Synchro Monster your opponent controls and banish that target.

That card just nullified Iron Chain Dragon.

and since its effect is mandatory, it will never miss the timing, so a great card for once.

Ok, 9 HERO import and Steelswarm Roach. Great Konami, you just made me interested in buying this set for once. Vision HERO Trinity. Equip Opponent's monster with Safe Zone and hit him 3 times for lulz.

 Masked HERO Vapor is such a nice card. Mask Change Absolute Zero to him for a free 2400 beater and clean field.

Steelswarm Roach I don't even need to talk about it. He is great.

Tournament Report 5/28

Deck Used: Junk Doppel

Round 1
River - GK OO

Game 1.

He Draws shit only spell/traps and I destroy them with Lyla/Ryko and procceed to beat him with Trishula and Friends.

Game 2.

He didn't draw to his side and I proceed to trap stun him on my turn along with a Trishula for his dismay as he struggles with topdecking descendants.

Round 2
Alex - Chain Burn OO

Game 1

He almost burns me to the death but I blow his Giant Germ with Scrap Dragon and Remove his Mecha Dog with Trishula (If I blew the Mecha Dog I would have lost)

Game 2

Trishula Early and he can't recover since he didn't draw any good card to burn/stall me

Round 3
Miguel - Hero Beat XOX

Game 1

Fail Hand

Game 2

Shooting Star + Trishula + Call of the Haunted Shooting back

Game 3

Fail Hand (Worse than the first)

Round 4

Norman - Naturia OO

Round 1

Lyla Ryko Trishula Scrap Dragon Blade Blaster and his Bamboo Shoot eats a veiler

Round 2

Summon Lyla

He Warning it

Special Summon Striker + Warwolf and he Warning my Catastor

Dark Hole he Solemn Judgment it.

Next Turn he sacs bamboo shoot just to eat veiler

proceed to win from there.

Top 8

Abubakar Jinzo OTK XX

Round 1 & 2

He got almost same hand and I get fail hand. He draws godly and I draw shit. I think he stacked.


Opponents getting too sacky today as my deck didn't perform that bad today. Deck needs more fixing. Might take DAD out.

At least I got a Fossil Dyna today <3

Friday, May 20, 2011

Leviath Dragon & Utopia

The TCG names for Hope and Revise Dragon changed.
They Drastically changed and Konami America Made them sound weird.

Who would like to have a card named Utopia?

Xyz Summon! Come forth, Utopia.

The heck is with Utopia

And Leviath it comes from Leviathan.

We got too many Leviathan cards.

Fabled Leviathan, Dragunity Leyvatein, The Great Leviathan and others.

Konami should have just kept the name as it sounds. Ribaisu(Revise) Dragon.

And so I finally got my 3 Tour Guides, time to make some fun decks with her and well, Exceed.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Scrap Exceed!

So I've got a crazy idea of using Scrap Engine + Tour Guides to make a hybrid Exceed + Synchro deck.
I included Deep Sea Diva for Gachigachi Gantetsu and Genex Ally Birdman for more abuse with Scrap Goblin.


3x Scrap Chimera
2x Scrap Beast
2x Scrap Goblin
3x Tour Guide from the Underworld
3x Deep Sea Diva
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Genex Ally Birdman
2x Spirit Reaper
1x Summoner Monk
1x Sangan


2x Scrapyard
2x Scrapstorm
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Foolish Burial
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Giant Trunade
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Duality


2x Solemn Warning
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Seven Tools of Bandit
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force

Extra Deck:

1x Scrap Archfiend
2x No 39, Aspiring King Hope
3x No 17, Revise Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Scrap Twin Dragon
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
2x Scrap Dragon
1x Gachigachi Gantetsu
1x Steelswarm Roach
1x Chimeratech Fortress Dragon

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extreme Victory Sneak Peak Results

After attending the Extreme Victory Sneak Peak, I didn't get much worth mentioning other than pulling two
Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk.
My friends pulled a shien's dojo, then other got a mystic piper and gladiator taming.

Nobody at the sneak pulled Scrap Orthros or Tour Guide from the Underworld so fml since I attended the sneak just to get these cards.

Extreme Victory is not as impressive as Storm of Ragnarok since the cards there are not as good as the Six Samurai or the Nordic archtype.

T.G. can't run on its own and need to mix with another archtype engine to work.

Psychic is broken, but again just if people really want to play 10 minute turn deck.

I modified my Junk Doppel deck now, it runs better than before since I took out the Raigeki Breaks, added Trap Stun, took Necro Gardna and some others and added Lyla T.G. Striker and warwolf.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Junk Doppel Decklist

Well here is my current Junk Doppel decklist.

I'll make some changes when EXVC and Librarians come out.


3x Junk Synchron
3x Doppelwarrior
3x Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter
2x Lonefire Blossom
1x Card Trooper
1x Effect Veiler
1x Chaos Sorcerer
1x Dandylion
1x Glow-up Bulb
1x Spore
1x Necro Gardna
1x Dark Armed Dragon
1x Level Eater
1x Quickdraw Synchron
1x The Fabled Cerburrel
1x Debris Dragon
1x Lyla, Lightsworn Sorceress


2x Tuning
2x Pot of Avarice
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x One for One
1x Giant Trunade
1x Foolish Burial
1x Charge of the Light Brigade


2x Raigeki Break
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Limit Reverse
1x Call of the Haunted

Extra Deck:

The Usual Stuff +
The Fabled Unicore

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Worm Invasion?

I was browsing my cards the other day when I saw this card.

Worm Linx

Level 2

Flip: During each End Phase, if this card is face-up, draw 1 card.

With enough protection this card can give you an extra draw each end phase (including your opponent's).
This + some worm engine and W Nebula Meteor can pretty much give you a huge draw.

I've been thinking of some build with it but it goes off like this

3/2x Worm Xex
3x Worm Yagan
3x Worm Linx
3x Worm Cartaros
2x Worm Tentacles
-> you can use Worm King/Queen/Victory as they are the best targets.
3/2x Offering to the Snake Deity
3x W Nebula Meteor

This is the basic for the worm deck and then you add traps like dimensional prison, mirror force, compulsory, warning, and others.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Shooting Quasar Dragon.

Shooting Quasar Dragon
12 Stars

1 Tuner Synchro Monster + 2 or more non-Tuner Synchro Monsters
This card cannot be Special Summoned except by Synchro Summon. This card can attack a number of times during the Battle Phase equal to the number of non-Tuner monsters used as Synchro Material Monsters. Once per turn, you can negate the activation of a Spell, Trap or Effect Monster's effect and destroy it. When this card is removed from the field, you can Special Summon 1 "Shooting Star Dragon" from your Extra Deck.

A Strong, Synchro, Dragon that replaces itself when it is destroyed.
What was my first impression when I saw that card? OMG want.
The summoning conditions for him are not hard to acomplish, but not THAT easy either (maybe in a Ritua fish deck, so yea).

Junk Doppel decks can bring him out since they can just spam Librarians and Formulas in one turn.

Ryko in the graveyard One for One, junk Synchron and Foolish Burial.
- Normal Summon Junk Synchron, revive ryko and synchro for Librarian.
- Foolish Dandylion, One for One spore and make a Formula Synchron with one Fluff Token to draw 2 from Librarian and Formula.
- Remove Dandylion to revive Spore and synchro with the other Fluff Token for a second Librarian and draw 1 more.
- Synchro both Librarians + Formula Synchron for Shooting Quasar Dragon.
(there are other ways of bringing him out in this deck, what I did was just an example)

In total you used 4 cards in your hand + 3 cards you drew + Shooting Quasar, making up with the hand loss.

Ritua Water with Ritua Beast and Ritua Erial. 

- Have Treeborn Frog, Fishborg Blaster and Ritua Erial in your graveyard and a Ritua Beast in your hand.
- Standby Phase Revive Treeborn and then in Main Phase Normal Summon Ritua Beast to Revive Ritua Erial.
- Dump a card for Fishborg Blaster and synchro with either Beast or Erial(doesn't matter which first) for T.G. Hyper Librarian.
- Dump Another for Fishborg and synchro with the other one for a Second Librarian and draw 1 from the first Librarian.
- Dump another Card for Fishborg Blaster and synchro with treeborn for Formula Synchron just to draw 3.
- Synchro all three for Shooting Quasar.

In the end you used Ritua Beast + 3 cards from your hand for Fishborg Blaster and you drew 4 from Librarians and Formula.

There are many other ways of bringing Shooting Quasar Dragon and expect this card to wipe asses when he is on the field.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Control Based Karakuri

 So I've been working in a more control build for karakuri and I've reached to this:

3x Karakuri Komachi MDL 224 'Ninishi'
3x Karakuri Merchant MDL 177 'Inashichi'
1x Karakuri Muso MDL 818 'Haipa'
3x Karakuri Ninja MDL 919 'Kuick'
2x Karakuri Soldier MDL 236 'Nisamu'
2x Karakuri Strategist MDL 248 'Nishipachi'
2x Karakuri Watchdog MDL 313 'Saizan'
2x Fossil Dyna Pachicephalo
1x Machina Fortress
1x Glow-Up Bulb
1x Unknown Synchron


3x Karakuri Showdown Castle
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
2x Karakuri Cash Cashe
1x Dark Hole
1x Giant Trunade
1x Monster Reborn
1x Limiter Removal

2x Trap Stun
2x Solemn Warning
1x Royal Oppression
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Mirror Force

1x T.G. Hyper Librarian
1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Black Rose Dragon
1x Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Naturia Barkion
1x Naturia Beast
3x Karakuri Steel Shogun MDL 00X 'Bureido'
3x Karakuri Shogun MDL 00 'Burei'
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

The Deck was build specifically to play around meta decks and shut off special summons from your opponent. The Fossil Dynas are there to destroy all their swarmed monsters and it is great for stopping decks like Six Samurai and Fish that Special Summons a lot. A first turn Naturia Beast can cripple their strategies in their very first turn. It can act like a Spell canceler for your opponent and when you are dealing with traps you can just use trap stuns. 
Oppression is great to kill your opponent's key special summon and whenever you wish to stop it just trap stun it and let your opponent waste 800 LP while protecting your from their traps.

The can deck play aggressively too, going with unknown synchron or glow-up bulb while the first you don't need to set up the field since you can just special summon it from your hand when your opponent control a monster. Glow-up Bulb is there because it can turn Machina Fortress and Burei to Bureido.

Karakuri Showdown Castle can kill your opponent synchros by running over them and gives you a level 4 or higher Karakuri when it is destroyed. Karakuri Showdown Castle enforces the use of 3 Kuicks since she can just abuse her effect and revive a Karakuri to synchro during Main Phase 2.

Cash Cashe is to speed up the deck. With Komachi + Cash Cashe in your hand, you can simply go for Naturia Beast or Burei.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Machine Beatdown - Decklist

Deck made from scratch.
Basically Machine Beatdown Synchro.


2x Black Bomber
1x Card Gunner
2x Cyber Dragon
2x Ally Genex Birdman
2x Ally Genex Crusher
1x Ally Genex Durdark
1x Jinzo
1x Machiners Cannon
3x Machiners Fortress
3x Machiners Gearframe
1x Machine Emperor Wisel Infinity


1x Allure of Darkness
1x Book of Moon
1x Black Hole
1x Double Cyclone
3x Geartown
1x Giant Trunade
1x Limiter Removal
1x Monster Reborn
2x Mystical Space Typhoon


1x Call of the Haunted
1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
2x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute

Extra Deck:

1x Ally of Justice Catastor
1x Ally of Justice Decisive Arms
2x BRD
1x Brionac
1x Colossal Fighter
1x Ally Genex Accel
1x Ally Genex Triforce
1x Karakuri Shogun Burei
1x Real Genex Kurokishian
1x Red Dragon Archfiend
1x Scrap Dragon
1x Stardust Dragon
1x Mental Demon
1x Trishula

Basically is just rush and whack with high level machine monsters.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Decklist for Gishki

Ritua(Gishki) Decklist:

2x Gishki Abyss
1x Gishki Beast
2x Gishki Chain
2x Gishki Erial
2x Gishki Marker
2x Gishki Noeria
3x Gishki Shadow
1x Gishki Vanity
3x Manju of Ten Thousand Hands
1x Evigishki Mind Augus
2x Evigishki Soul Ogre
2x Evigishki Tetra Ogre

1x Dark Hole
2x Forbidden Arts of the Gishki
1x Giant Trunade
3x Gishki Ceremonial Mirror
1x Monster Reborn
2x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Pot of Avarice
1x Preparation of Rites
1x Salvage

1x Mirror Force
1x Solemn Judgment
1x Solemn Warning
1x Torrential Tribute

Deck still in construction as I try to find space to fit more salvage and Soul Ogres.
Up until know it has shown to be quite consistent and gives the advantage that they are supposed to give.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

New Blog, more machines

New blog to post my completely random experiences through Yu-Gi-Oh! and other random stuff.