Friday, November 11, 2011

More Inzecters love.

I like how konami let people go and break off archetypes.

Inzecters can just wipe the field clean and create a huge plus to you dodging starlight road and even if your opponent has a stardust or some protection stuff, they will still fall into it.

You just need Inzecter Damsel/Centibeet and an Inzecter Hornet in hand.

-Summon Inzecter Damsel, Equip Hornet from hand.
-Send Hornet to graveyard to destroy a card your opponent control.
-Damsel Effect activates special summoning a centibeet from the deck.
-Centibeet equip hornet in the graveyard and destroy another card your opponent control.
-Add another Inzecter(such as gigamantis) to your hand.( if you have a MST or something to destroy your backrow, better you special hornet from the graveyard and keep going from there)

So in any case, your opponent loses 2 cards while you gain 1+, so in Fact you are going to outsource him by 3 cards.

You can always use a monster reborn to destroy 2 more cards your opponent control and getting a plus once again.

-> XYZ centibeet with damsel to leviathan, detach damsel and reborn it.
->Damsel Equip hornet and keep going until you clear your opponent's field.

Inzecters are really worth trying it out and it is fun to play.
Try them for a change!

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