Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Extreme Victory Sneak Peak Results

After attending the Extreme Victory Sneak Peak, I didn't get much worth mentioning other than pulling two
Meklord Astro Dragon Asterisk.
My friends pulled a shien's dojo, then other got a mystic piper and gladiator taming.

Nobody at the sneak pulled Scrap Orthros or Tour Guide from the Underworld so fml since I attended the sneak just to get these cards.

Extreme Victory is not as impressive as Storm of Ragnarok since the cards there are not as good as the Six Samurai or the Nordic archtype.

T.G. can't run on its own and need to mix with another archtype engine to work.

Psychic is broken, but again just if people really want to play 10 minute turn deck.

I modified my Junk Doppel deck now, it runs better than before since I took out the Raigeki Breaks, added Trap Stun, took Necro Gardna and some others and added Lyla T.G. Striker and warwolf.

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